There’s a big difference between simple and easy. Just because something is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy to do.

For example, take losing weight. The process is simple. You eat fewer calories than you burn, and you’ll lose weight.

That’s it.


But anyone who’s tried to lose weight knows it’s not easy. You have to resist cravings, stick to a plan, and push through even when you have the ability to get that triple scoop sundae delivered in less than 10 minutes at 2AM.

Same thing with saving money. The process is simple: spend less than you earn, and you’ll save.

But is it easy to not spend money that you have? Fuck no.

Temptations are everywhere, there are new gadgets launching every few months, you want to impress others, and tell the world you’re “high status”.

Or think about consistency in any skill. Whether it’s practicing leetcode grinding, practicing sales, or meditating. These things are all straightforward, just show up do a task that takes 2 to 15 minutes.

But then life happens, you go on a vacation, you party a little more than you should have. You miss 1 day, and soon you miss 1 week, then 1 month, and suddenly it feels impossible to restart.

So don’t confuse simple with easy, or complex with hard. Sometimes the hardest things to do are the simplest ones.