In the story of the race between tortoise and hare, the tortoise wins and gives us the lesson that slow and steady wins the race.

Over time we have started focusing on the slow part of the equation, but in my opinion the real reason here is the steady part.

If the hare was steady, it would have won the race without any issues. The hare was fast, covered a lot of ground quickly, but decided to take rest and lost to tortoise who was slow but never stopped.

If tortoise was not steady, it wouldn’t have won. If hare was steady, it would have won.

If we have to rate the inputs, it would be this:

  1. Fast and steady
  2. Slow and steady
  3. Fast and unsteady
  4. Slow and unsteady

Steady would be the clear reason of victory.

So, if you can be fast and steady, you should pick that over slow and steady.

The only problem is that it is very hard to be fast AND steady. You achieve legendary status in this world if you can be fast and steady for a long time.

Which is why, for the average joe, it is much easier to be steady by being slow, and the moral of the story holds true.

Focus on being steady, i.e. playing the game for a long time without setbacks, and whatever pace helps you achieve that sustainably.