70 hour work week
This topic keeps coming up every 3-4 months.
Narayana Murthy, founder of Infosys, in an interview said that he wants youth of our country to say that they want to build the nation and they will work 70 hour weeks to do that.
In a country with no over time pay, this is seen as an unfair ask.
The business wants people to work more (so business earns more) but they won’t pay for the extra hours worked (so the business profits more).
I think if businesses start compensating for those extra hours worked fairly, we will have a huge number of people looking to work those hours.
Having said that, most of the business owners that I know are putting 70 hour work weeks, because they obviously stand to gain a lot with the success of the business.
I believe thinking of your career as a business is the way to go.
Don’t give your job more time that what they pay for, that’s fair. But spend the remaining 30 hours on improving your career.
You could spend this time on education, improving yourself, having a side hustle or a business, caring for family, or even a hobby where you produce something.
You should be able to create an edge for yourself if you do it for some duration consistently. Then when you exploit your edge, you can change the trajectory of your life, your family, and your upcoming generations.
P.S. Some people can genuinely not put any time outside of work into anything for improvement, unfortunate. But for most, they have the time which can be utilized better.